Wednesday, February 03, 2010

BRHS Here We Come!

I am pumped about this Sunday's first worship service at our new location, Blue Ridge High School. And oh, by the way, the new location is 2151 Fews Chapel Rd, Greer 29651.


Unfortunately, we were unable to meet last Sunday. I wanted to pass out invite cards for you and have a time of prayer last Sunday. Because we were unable to do that, you will be receiving in the mail tomorrow 3 invite cards and a letter from me. I am asking you to do 3 things as we prepare for the Big Day (Super Sunday) and seek to reach our goal of 200 people this Sunday:


1) Pray for those 3 important people on your invest and invite card.


2) Take the 3 cards you will be receiving in the mail, pass them out and invite those people you have prayed for.

(If you don't have 3 people- pass them out to strangers- just get them out!!!)


3) Pray for our Big Day that God would bless the mailers, the stick signs, the Val-Pak ads, and all those personal invites going on in our church and that they would find favor with the recipients.


My friends, don't rest on someone else to invite. If you don't do it, who will? We cannot grow if we don't step outside our zone of comfort and make the "big ask." God will bless your obedience. Scripture says, "Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus…(John 1:42). You can change a person's eternal destiny simply by bringing them to church and they meet Jesus. I along with others in our church have been praying and fasting for this Sunday. It's too important to take lightly. I am so looking forward to what God is going to do.


See you Sunday!

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