Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Pure & Faultless Religion

Pure & Faultless Religion
This past weekend we had two teams from our church ministering to people in the name of Christ. The first team helped put a coat of primer on the walls of a Habitat For Humanity house in Travelers Rest. They also helped put siding and steps leading out to the back porch on the house. They worked alongside Ms. Floyd who will be moving in to the house when it is completed.
The second team helped moved a widow in our church and her son out of their home into a new place. Due to unfortunate events, she was forced to move. She had no one to help move her. What she would have done without the wonderful caring people at Ridgeview Church, I don't know?
I am grateful for those who gave of their time and abilities last Saturday to work on the Habitat House and to help a widow move her belongings. It's not the kind of ministry that is glamorous or will end up being on the front page of the paper, but it is as important nonetheless. James 1:27 says "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." For those that volunteered last Saturday and all the ministry that happened in the life of Ridgeview Church that I know of and don't know of, thank you! You are beautiful people!
We need a Great Commission Resurgence!
I will be attending the Southern Baptist Convention in Orlando next week. It will be a historic time for Southern Baptists. As a messenger to the SBC from Ridgeview Church, I will be voting on a motion from the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force. The Task Force has brought to all Southern Baptists a report detailing a new direction for the SBC to be more effective in reaching our world for Christ. I ask that you pray for for the Southern Baptist Convention as a denomination for wisdom in this very important matter. I am so grateful we are part of a denomination that is focused on the Great Commission. Several billion people in our world do not know of the love of Jesus Christ for them. Millions of people in America are without Christ and are heading to a Christless eternity. We must do everything we can to reach them!
I encourage you to check out the website www.pray4gcr.com. It has much more information. Two important links I also encourage you to check out from the website are:
The lostness of America:
The Great Commission Resurgence Report:

See you Sunday!
Pastor Tommy


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