This week President Obama gave his annual state of the union address. Millions of people will watch, listen, or read it. When you are the leader of the free world, people listen. This Sunday I will be giving our annual state of the church address. It will not garner much attention outside of our church. It most likely will not even be covered by the Greer Citizen. Nevertheless, I believe it to be important because we serve the Leader of The World, Jesus Christ. We serve in the one institution He established on earth, The Church. One day every President, Prime Minister, despot and dictator will bow the knee to Christ. We are dual citizens; citizens of the United States and citizens of heaven. We must be about our Father's business and He loves His Church! I look forward to sharing with you Sunday where we are as a church, where we're going, and the process we will employ to be about the Master's orders of making disciples who make disciples.
See you Sunday!
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