This Sunday Russ Rinehart will finish out our series "Margin for Life" as he addresses the area of finances. Our margin series has gone really well and I know our people will benefit greatly from the message Sunday. I saw a 20/20 episode last week on ABC that was entitled "Debt in America." One couple on the show was $60,000 in credit card debt and yet last year they took one of their most expensive vacations because, as she said, "we deserved it."
John Piper stated, "God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him." I want to find my satisfaction in Him, not the car I drive, the house I live in, the zero's in my bank account, the toys I buy, etc. I really desire to live the simple life. Too many of us are handcuffed by the shackles of debt. Financial margin is liberating! Every now and then as I drive up somewhere in my Geo Prizm, I sense a little bit of embarrassment because it's got a few years and miles on it and needs a paint job. Then, I think to myself, it's paid for, we have no credit card debt, and we're not living beyond my means. I feel much better after that!
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