Wednesday, July 22, 2009

C.H.A.M.P.S. This Sunday!

C.H.A.M.P.S. This Sunday!
I am looking forward to being with you this Sunday as we will have with us Don Matthews, director of the Church Health & Revitalization office with the South Carolina Baptist Convention. Don will be preaching Sunday morning and will stay with us after church for a light meal. Afterwards, he will administer a church health survey that is about one hundred questions. If you are unable to be here we will have extra surveys you can fill out when you return. This survey/tool will help our church realize where we are and what is necessary to move to the next level of health and growth for the purpose of expanding the Kingdom. I would like to thank John Mauldin for making many phone calls to our people inviting them to attend. I would also like to thank you in advance for coming this Sunday and sharing your thoughts. I believe the input we receive from this survey will help our church make giant leaps in fulfilling our purpose of being a bridge of God's love to all people so they may experience His purpose for their lives.
See you Sunday! 
Pastor Tommy

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