Easter Big Day: Ridgeview Goal 215!
This past Sunday in our morning worship we had Tom Cole & Kathy Green share their stories with us. Easter a year ago they were not really connected to a church and were not experiencing His purpose for their lives. But what a difference a year makes! Tom and his family began attending our church last December and Tom gave his life to Christ. They in turn invited the Green family for our Big Day this past February and since attending Ridgeview Kathy has rededicated her life to the Lord. Tom is in a Life Transformation Group each Friday meeting with two other guys. They are challenged to read one chapter of Scripture a day as well as to keep one another accountable spiritually. Kathy has been attending the Brown Growth Group on Sunday evenings and it was recently that God's Spirit powerfully spoke to her in that group. She rededicated herself to Christ that Sunday evening.
I believe there are many more people in our community whose lives and the lives of their families can be changed forever by walking through the doors of Ridgeview Church on Sunday morning. Never underestimate the power of one hour on Sunday morning! Never underestimate what God can do with people when they come to church, get connected with the Ridgeview family, and Christ changes their lives. That's why we're pushing for a Big Day goal of 215 this Easter Sunday!
Let me ask you to do three things this week leading up to Sunday:
1) Pray
Pray and ask God to continue to move in the life of our church. He is working! Pray that God would continue His work by us finding favor in those we invite to church this Sunday and they would come. Pray that God's Spirit would speak to people as they enter the parking lot, are greeted in the foyer, hear the gospel through our worship music, and as I share the good news of Jesus Christ and share the truth of His Word. Pray hearts would be open to Jesus this Sunday.
2) Fast on Good Friday
I believe since we embarked upon our church wide 21 day fast earlier this year God has poured out His Spirit on our church. We are seeing life change! Jesus assumes we will pray and fast when He said "When you fast..." We must pray and couple our prayers with fasting. I believe it releases spiritual power.
3) Invite
We can pray and fast all day but if we never invite anyone to church, it does no good. Truth be told, it is easier to just pray and even to fast and never walk across the street and invite a neighbor to church. Studies show many of our neighbors are just waiting for us to ask and that one out of four will come if they are simply invited. You can use use the invite card from Sunday if you'd like and put something in their hands. However you do it, just do it. I promise if you make the big ask I will present the gospel as clearly as I possibly can. I believe we are going to see many people step across the line of faith Sunday and follow Jesus. I can't wait!
See you Sunday!