Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mega Sports, Mega Bridge!

Mega Sports, Mega Bridge!
Next Monday, August 2, Ridgeview will join forces with Northwood Baptist for our second year partnership of Mega Sports Camp. Last year, around 100 kids enjoyed sharpening their basketball, baseball, soccer, and cheerleading skills. Not only that, the worship time rally, the huddle coach times, and the gospel presentation Thursday night all worked together to see many kids place their faith in Christ. There are several things I am asking everyone to do as we lead up to camp:
1) Pray that many kids would come to know Jesus Christ as forgiver of their sins and leader of their lives.
2) Pray for rally worship leaders and speakers, basketball, baseball, soccer, and cheerleading coaches along with the huddle coaches.
3) Invite the families and kids that live all around you to come. There will be invite cards in the program this Sunday.
Many thanks in advance to those of you who will be participating in this bridge event, especially our director, Beth Farmer. It takes a lot of work, time, money, and people to pull something off of this magnitude. But, to see kids give their lives to Jesus makes it all worth it!
See you Sunday!

Tommy Hargrove

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bridging Out In August

In our email newsletter this week you will find many opportunities to get involved in being a bridge of God's love to our community. I am especially excited about the month of August. I don't believe we've ever had so many opportunities for outreach as we have in August. I especially like the fact we are partnering with other churches in our community. We as a church will not be able to reach everyone in our community. We must partner with our sister churches in our community and own our "circle of accountability" which is the Blue Ridge area. So, peruse the many bridge opportunities in this newsletter. Then, sign up and get involved as we partner together with God's people not only in our church but sister churches to give every man, woman, boy, and girl the opportunity to respond to the good news of Jesus Christ.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Connecting & Growing!

Connecting & Growing!
Pictured above is the Eill Growth Group that meets on Tuesday nights this summer. I've enjoyed being a part of this group! We are studying the book of John, praying together, and connecting as a group in fellowship. I enjoy the times before and after the "official" group time where we share some food and desserts, catch up on how things are going, and just hang out. A couple of weeks ago several people stayed over at my home to watch the college world series after the Growth Group Bible study time was over. We had a blast!
This summer we continue to do what Christ has called us to do; seek to bridge people to Himself. I'm fresh off our church mission trip to Staten Island, New York. I get a chance to catch my breath and then bam! August will be here. During this month our church will be partnering with Northwood Baptist for Mega Sports Camp. Then, we are involved in a community back to school bash. Then, we will provide a meal for the Blue Ridge High School marching band. There's a "whole lotta" bridging going on! But, there's a "whole lotta" connecting going on as well through our Growth Groups.
I believe spiritual growth occurs through bridge projects that our church does. But, I also believe we must have a steady diet of God's Word in our Growth Groups and times for just enjoying the fellowship of one another in those groups. There's a giving out and a taking in. Some Christians are always looking to be fed and the taking in of another sermon, Bible study, conference or retreat, etc. Other Christians are always looking to bridge and serve others and never take time to care for their soul and they wonder why they are burned out.
Let me encourage you in this mid point of the year and this very hot month of July to strike a balance between the giving out and the taking in. Don't let your burden for those who do not know Christ wane. Take the summer bridge challenge seriously! But also, don't neglect to care for your soul. Hebrews 10:25 states, "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another- and all the more as you see the Day approaching." By engaging with others in our Bible study Growth Groups your soul will be fed and you will be encouraged! All of us need to be engaged in both the taking in and the giving out!
In Christ,
Pastor Tommy 

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Every Member A Missionary

This week Brian Bowen, Brian Green, Milo Wilson, and myself are on our church mission trip to Staten Island, New York. We are involved in a sports camp in the mornings and have done free bottled water giveaways on behalf of Crossroads (Southern Baptist) Church. We are seeking to build bridges with people here in order to connect them to Christ and His Church here on the island.

Every person who calls Ridgeview home is on a mission trip this week. You may not be 12 hours away but you are on a mission nonetheless. As you go to work, take a walk in your neighborhood, etc., look at those around you with missional eyes. What kind of impact could we make in our community if we went about each day as a mini mission trip?

On mission with you,

Tommy Hargrove