Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fanning The Flames With Our Words

This Sunday we will conclude our message series dealing with the words we speak. It certainly has caused me to focus on speaking words of life rather than negative words of death. As we have learned from Jesus' teaching, our words are an indication of what is going on in our hearts. We must guard our hearts!

Paul encouraged Timothy to "fan into flame the gift of God which is in you..." in 2 Timothy 1:6. We as the body of Christ have great opportunities to fan the flames for Christ as we speak into each other's lives. I have found our Growth Groups to be great vehicles to do that. Just last night at our group I told a brother in Christ I was proud of him.

As we gather for worship Sunday, may we all fan the flames in others by lifting them up with positive, edifying words. As we will see this Sunday, they literally do have the power of life and death.

See you then!

Pastor Tommy

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