Friday, January 26, 2007

This Sunday Russ Rinehart will finish out our series "Margin for Life" as he addresses the area of finances. Our margin series has gone really well and I know our people will benefit greatly from the message Sunday. I saw a 20/20 episode last week on ABC that was entitled "Debt in America." One couple on the show was $60,000 in credit card debt and yet last year they took one of their most expensive vacations because, as she said, "we deserved it."
John Piper stated, "God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him." I want to find my satisfaction in Him, not the car I drive, the house I live in, the zero's in my bank account, the toys I buy, etc. I really desire to live the simple life. Too many of us are handcuffed by the shackles of debt. Financial margin is liberating! Every now and then as I drive up somewhere in my Geo Prizm, I sense a little bit of embarrassment because it's got a few years and miles on it and needs a paint job. Then, I think to myself, it's paid for, we have no credit card debt, and we're not living beyond my means. I feel much better after that!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Pictured above are two pictures of Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Gov. Huckabee at age 47 was diagnosed with type II diabetes. He was overweight and his physician warned him he had about 10 years left to live with his lifestyle. That would get anyone's attention. He underwent a major program of diet and exercise, along with some nutritional supplements, and lost 100 pounds. He eliminated his diabetes and related health risks. He is now on a mission to get Americans to take care of their bodies. BTW, he is a former Southern Baptist pastor and may run for President.

This Sunday, I will continue our series at Ridgeview on "Margin for life." I will sharing about margin (the difference between one's load and one's limit) as it concerns to our physical health. Some people think that's not appropriate sermon topic material. I heartily disagree. The Bible says, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19,20 NIV)

Christians can denounce the overindulgence of alcohol, but we need to look at the plank in our own eye at times, or should I say the gravy biscuit in our mouths. A recent study done by Purdue University found Christians are more obese than non-Christians and Baptists are the fattest! I believe we need to practice margin in our lives as it pertains to our health so we can glorify God in our bodies and live a healthy lifestyle so that when we say "Here am I Lord send me" we are actually physically able to do it.

Governor Huckabee wrote a book recently called "Quit digging your grave with a knife and fork." He also states that "Nothing tastes as good as it feels to be healthy." How true those words are! I want to live life to the fullest with health and energy for the Lord, giving Him my best. I am also in ministry for the long haul. I must take care of my body with proper rest, exercise, and nutrition. That's not asking too much, is it?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

My son is getting a baby brother coming this April. Two preacher kids on the loose. Watch out!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Tomorrow I will be officiating the funeral service of Joe Griswold. It is an honor for me to be asked. I got to know Joe through our mutual friend, John Mauldin. Joe visited our church once when we were just a few weeks old meeting at the Greer Christian learning center. He was also able to come visit with us last Fall at the school. He was one of the most giving men around. He told me as a kid he was in a store and wanting a soda pop because he was very thirsty. A complete stranger walked into the store, bought him that soda pop, and Joe never saw that man again. He said that made a huge impression on him. Joe has always tried to give to others. He was known as "Trollin' Joe" to many of his fishing buddies and was one of the best stryper fishers around. He was so good at fishing he was inducted into the SC fishing hall of fame. Joe is a great model of what a giving person looks like. I hope I can emulate the way he lived.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Over 400 show up forChrist mas eve at the Red Barn!
What a great night it was! Everything worked out well and I can't thank enough those who worked hard to make it happen. Thanks to Milo Wilson and the worship team on the hard work they put into the Andrew Peterson music. Thanks for those who helped take chairs down and move tables. Thanks to Carlos and Lynn Anders for bringing coffee, hot chocolate, and apple cider. Thanks to Andy Morris and Trey Thompson for allowing us to use their truck. Thanks to John Mauldin and the parking team for the fine job they did. Thanks to Buddy Bridwell for bush hogging the field so there would be enough parking. I always get in trouble when I start listing names cause I inevitably leave someone out. Thanks to everyone at Ridgeview who were so welcoming. I got a comment today from someone in our church who invited a friend and their comment was how friendly everyone was that evening.
Most importantly, the gospel was shared that evening and I know of at least one person who approached me after the service to tell me she had received Christ as Lord and Savior. That's what it's all about!
Well, I'm back from seeing inlaws in Dallas and I'm ready to start the new year. Looking forward to starting a new message series Sunday on "Margin for Life." Man, God really spoke to me over Christmas vacation about margin in my life and I know many in our church need to hear it. I believe we are busier than God intended us to be.