Saturday, April 21, 2007

The night before Landon arrives and our family makeup will change forever

Landon Jack Hargrove
God has blessed us with a healthy baby boy! He is healthy and fortunately looks more like his mother. There will be a short video of us at the hospital on our church's website: Yes, I know. Watching other people's pictures and family videos are about as exciting as, well, watching other people's pictures and family videos. But for grandma in Texas, etc, these are for you!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I checked out Perry Noble's blog tonight. I've been mentioning him a lot lately, haven't I? He will be a father in a couple of months and his blog tonight was exactly the reminder I needed. You see, in about 10 hours from now my wife will give birth to our second son, Landon Jack Hargrove.

Perry received some pertinent advice in an email concerning his soon to be status not as pastor of one of America's fastest growing churches but a more important status, "dad." It goes as follows: "As a pastor, and especially as a successful pastor, it will be easy to let the church steal time from your family. Don’t! What difference will a great history of church building matter, if your kids know you only has the “hero on the platform.” I know way too many PKs of “successful pastors” who struggle with their faith (if they even believe), struggle in relationships and just simply struggle. They see this apparently incredibly relational person on the platform - and don’t experience that at home. Make a vow now that you will not be that kind of successful pastor. Let your children be a testimony of the goodness of God in families.

That is great advice. I am reminded that God established the family before he established the church. My first priority is to my family. Our first son was born a month before Ridgeview Church was started. I had never been a senior pastor to that point. I've tried to keep a healthy balance over these last 3 yeas as husband, dad, and pastor. I so enjoy my time with my wife and son. Just last night Ethan and I were out in the backyard and I was teaching him to throw a football, then he would chase me, and we had a blast! I treasure every moment because these last 3 years have blown by so quickly. I don't want to miss a minute!

Monday, April 09, 2007

This weekend has been quite a ride! We had our annual Community Easter Egg Hunt at Lake Robinson Park. There were around 300 people who showed up. The amazing thing is I didn’t think we would have many show up due to the ungodly cold temperatures we’ve had this April weekend. Thanks to all those from Ridgeview who came at 10 am and helped set up and then take down after it was over. We have some great people who love Jesus at Ridgeview. Easter Sunday morning went well as we kicked off our message series called “God On Film.” We set up the school where we meet as a movie theatre environment. We had a popcorn maker in the lobby, movie posters, props, etc. Jesus used all kinds of visual aids to teach truth. I did that today as I used the movie “Cars” challenging people to evaluate what really drives their lives and to hand the keys of their lives over to Jesus. Thanks to all those at Ridgeview who invited people to our Easter Sunday service. I’m looking forward to unpacking the rest of this message series over the next couple of weeks. But, eleven more days and baby Landon officially arrives via C-section into the Hargrove family. I can’t wait!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Tomorrow is Good Friday. I have challenged our people at Ridgeview Church to fast and pray during their lunch hour for 3 people that they would like to see come to Christ and or get connected to His family through their local church like Ridgeview. I have challenged them to invite 3 people to church this Sunday. I will be inviting some of my neighbors. Easter is a wonderful time to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Actually, everyday is a good time to share Jesus, isn't it?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Thank God It's Monday!
OK, as I write this morning it's actually Tuesday, but just wanted to share my thoughts on Mondays. I love them, probably because it's my day off. Yesterday was a great day for a Monday. I got to go to the grocery store with my wife and help her shop because she's about to pop a baby out in 16 days. I got to work out in the yard yesterday. I played with Ethan. And then the season finale for Prison Break came on. I have to admit, I can't keep committing myself to this show. I already have high blood pressure. Usually, I continue into watching "24" but had to watch history as the Gators won another national championship in basketball. I recorded "24" and will catch up on it later. Oh, I also caught a little Oprah yesterday. My wife was watching you know. Pretty cool segment on the guy from Run DMC who is now as he says, "a man of God." He wears one of those clerical collars and everything. MTV has a reality show on him and his family. I think it's pretty cool to see that. He seems like the real deal and looks to be a great role model, especially as he puts lots of emphasis on his family.
Looking forward to this Easter weekend. Should be a great weekend with the Easter egg hunt and the new message series called "God on Film." I borrow the sermon title and some of the movie ideas from Nelson Searcy. I will be taking the move "Cars" this Sunday and challenging people to really examine waht is driving their lives. Looking forward to it!