Monday, July 23, 2007

New York Mission Trip Monday Morning
We arrived for our first ever mission trip to New York Sunday morning around 8:30 am. We traveled all night leaving Saturday night around 8 pm. We went to Cross Roads Church on Staten Island. We will be working with Pastor Ray from Cross Road (a Southern Baptist Church plant) this week to help build bridges in his community. The biggest way we will be doing this is by helping paint IS 72 (that's a middle school as we know it in the South). We went into the big city last night and just walked arouind Times Square. Pictured above is all of us at Ray's pizza in Times Square. All of us were exhausted when we got back in around 1 am. But, we're fired up and ready to go do some work today! This has been a great trip already and we will be working alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ from Wilshire Baptist Church (Houston TX) and the college students from Germantown Baptist Church (Memphis TN). Looking forward to being a bridge of God's love this week also as we will be handing out water here on Staten Island in the name of Christ. More details and pics to come.

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